We are celebrating our 100th year! 1920 - 2020!
Florine Jayroe, member since 1975 (2 minutes) Transcript
Mary Lou Schoenberg, member since 1991 (4 minutes) Transcript
Linda Hoffman, member since 1998 (5 minutes) Transcript
Judy Scamardo, member since 2013 (1 minutes) Transcript
Nan Walvoord, member since mid 1960s (4 minutes) Transcript
News Clippings:
1920 - The Club is formed! - 1
1979 - Spring Luncheon and Fashion Show - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
1980 - Hosting parties at Nursing Homes - 1
1989 - Donation for Windmill, Sign, Tree - 1 - 2 - 3
1989 - Spring Luncheon and Fashion Show - 1 - 2
1990 - Spring Luncheon and Fashion Show - 1
2006 - Spring Luncheon and Fashion Show - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
2010 - 90th Anniversary - 1 - 2
Scholarship Highlights:
In 1980, 1 scholarship was given, totaling $250.
In 1987, 2 scholarships were given, totaling $1,000.
In 1990, 2 scholarships were given, totaling $2,000.
In 2000, 7 scholarships were given, totaling $4,700.
In 2010, 13 scholarships were given, totaling $19,500.
In 2014, 16 scholarships were given, totaling $32,000.
The City Commemorates 100 Years of Service by Carrollton Women’s Club
Posted on City of Carrollton website: 04/29/2021 9:03 AM
To recognize the 100 years of service to the community from the Carrollton Women’s Club (CWC), the City of Carrollton will unveil a commemorative plaque at 10 a.m. on Thursday, April 29.
The plaque was approved by City Council through Carrollton’s Community Special Project’s Grant Application and is permanently located on a pillar in the breezeway between the Carrollton Senior Center (1720 Keller Springs Road) and Josey Ranch Lake Library (1700 Keller Springs Road).
In 1920, a group of Carrollton women came together to form a special club dedicated to the study of books and fine literature. Today, the CWC raises scholarship funds for young women graduating from Carrollton high schools, promotes fellowship, and continually serves the community.
The CWC was named the Outstanding Community Organization Award Winner by the City of Carrollton at the City’s 12th Annual Citizens’ Evening event held in February 2019. Between 1998 and 2019, the CWC awarded $315,800 in scholarships to 218 young women, contributed $53,964 to local charities between 2010 and 2019, and donated $36,000 to local high school girls in the last two of those years.